The Aaronson Law Firm represents aggrieved timeshare buyers. We’ve been doing this for many years. In fact, this is all we do.

If you’re in this line of work, and are serious about it, chances are you’re going to make some enemies. And rest assured that these are formidable adversaries – multinational companies with seemingly limitless resources.

Anyone who’s been exposed to the timeshare industry is fully aware of how unscrupulous and Machiavellian its principals can be. So, it should surprise no one that they will not hesitate to lash out at anyone with the audacity to call them out. This invective can take on a number of forms, but in this context, it generally means formal litigation. Expensive litigation – the kind that can literally ruin a small law firm like ours.

Regardless of the merits, these cases have been filed and litigated – it matters not that they have no basis. From the standpoint of the timeshare developer, the objective is to make it so time consuming and expensive for a firm like Aaronson to defend itself that we will capitulate to their demands, or be forced into bankruptcy. These ‘demands’ generally include a covenant never to oppose them again.

At the Aaronson Firm, we’ve been extraordinarily fortunate to have survived these legal assaults. In one instance, a major developer gave up prosecution of the case, instead dismissing the case soon after the trial began. [1]

More recently, the federal court case of Club Exploria against our firm was thrown out on summary judgment – essentially barring further prosecution of the case. The U.S. District Court determined that the case lacked merit to such an extent that it could be dismissed based on the documents filed of record – without the necessity of a trial.[2]

We believe that the level of commitment we’ve demonstrated in these existential challenges reflects upon our determination and resolve in general – the same kind of commitment that we bring to every case we take on. We hope and trust that our clients agree.

[1] https://www.abajournal.com/news/article/vacation-ownership-company-settles-suit-against-lawyer-over-timeshare-exit-marketing

[2] https://tushnet.com/2020/11/12/timeshare-exit-lawyer-wins-a-round-no-harm-causation-shown/






1 thoughts on “Aaronson Law Firm Wins Lawsuit Against Timeshare Developer

  1. Genevieve says:

    Thanks for helping with terminating the Wyndham contract. Wyndham takes so long to make decisions on cases. But it’s finally over. Thank you

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