Is It Possible For Me To Cancel My Timeshare Contract? (Part 4)

Orlando, Fl, October 12, 2017:
In Part 3 of our discussion regarding your ability to have your timeshare contract cancelled, we explored two types of information that your timeshare attorney will ask of you. The first portion of that information deals with the timeshare sales presentation that you attended and the second looked at ownership issues that you may have experienced. Together, they form a solid basis for properly evaluating your case to determine how best that the timeshare attorney can help you with the cancellation of your timeshare contract.
However, there is one more type of information that will be necessary for the timeshare attorney to properly evaluate your case, and that is the pertinent financial information regarding the purchase and maintenance of your timeshare. Let’s explore the specific information requests that will help to build your case.
Question 4: What financial information does my timeshare attorney require from me to help build my case for timeshare cancellation?
The financials of your timeshare purchase and maintenance become an important part of the information gathering phase of your case. Check through the list below and try to have this information available when you have a consultation with the timeshare attorney.
- Which timeshare did you purchase and where is it located?
- Who is the developer of your timeshare?
- When did you purchase your timeshare?
- What was the purchase price for your timeshare?
- How much did you pay down on your timeshare and how was that paid?
- Did the developer issue you a credit card for the purchase price or for the down payment?
- Is your timeshare paid in full? If not, how much are the payments and with what frequency do you pay them?
- How much are your timeshare fees, such as maintenance fees or special assessments? Please list them all.
- Are your monthly timeshare mortgage payments and fee payments up to date?
- Are you in default on the loan or fees?
- Who is on the loan with you?
Based upon the total information that you have provided, the timeshare attorney will evaluate your case and then consult with you regarding how they can specifically help you with your timeshare cancellation. The attorney may also ask you other, more specific questions regarding your timeshare experience with the full intent being to create the strongest case possible.
So there now remains at this point just one last question that we need to explore for the cancellation of your timeshare. In Part 5 of “Is It Possible For Me To Cancel My Timeshare Contract?” we will look at that question to determine how your timeshare attorney will proceed with your case.
Concerned about your timeshare and how you can divest yourself of it? Has it become a major burden for your family to bear? The competent timeshare attorneys of the Aaronson Law Firm stand ready and able to provide you with the answers you need regarding your timeshare case. Let them help you cancel your timeshare – it’s all that they do. Contact them now for your free consultation. It’s not too late!