The Sweet Deal of the Timeshare Presentation

Laura Johnston, Travel,, March 03, 2015: Perhaps this has happened to you. During a stay at a hotel, or having received a special phone call, you are offered the sweet deal of a vacation getaway at a timeshare property which included a deeply discounted three-night stay at the resort, a $200 stay voucher for any other property owned by the developer, and all of the accompanying perks. You immediately jump on the deal, figuring that you would stay strong during the presentation and get a great deal for a vacation stay. The kids would love it!
Everything was wonderful when you arrived; you received a room upgrade, free child care and a free breakfast prior to the presentation. During the presentation, the sales agent launches into his spiel by telling you all about his family and how they liked to vacation. Then he had you tell him about your vacations and how you and your family liked to spend them. He reminds you that if you were to spend only 14 nights per year in a hotel room at an average of $150 per night, you would accumulate a cost of $63,000 over 30 years. Why not own your own vacation?
With the points system, he explains, you are able to go to any of the properties within the timeshare developer system, whenever you wanted to. You would purchase the points to become an owner, and then would only be responsible for the yearly maintenance fees. Easy, peasy, right? You are given a tour of an example timeshare condo and are treated to a video extolling the lush timeshare destinations within the system with their exotic amenities. You see happy families and partying people.
But you realize that they are leaving out some very important considerations, such as inability to book due to no availability, increasing maintenance fees that last forever, and the very real probability that you could not sell your timeshare if you needed to. So you formulate your first “NO!” Now the sales agent brings out the hard-sell. He may bring in another sales person to help persuade you. He may come at you with an emotional plea that involves the happiness of your children on vacation. He probably will tell you that a timeshare is a great investment and can be rented when not in use to help defray the cost. You’ve had enough and now you extend a firm “NO!” that you stick with until you are able to leave, free to enjoy the rest of your stay and free from any further obligation.
However, from our experience at the Aaronson Law Firm, many people we have talked to have not had the ending described above. They became subject to many offers, each designed to entice them into buying the deal that was good “only for today.” Sometimes presentations become contentious, full of lies and deceit, and end only after many hours of tortuous hard-sell which culminates in the signing of sales documents, if only to escape the presentation, hoping that it will be easy to rescind later. But it turns out not to be so easy, and the journey to the divestment of their timeshares becomes fraught with frustration and difficulty. Many timeshare resale scams exist designed to relieve them of their hard-earned cash without providing a sale, and it becomes a hard lesson to learn that a timeshare is eseentially worthless. So what is left for them (or you) to do?
Consider the cancellation of your timeshare through the retention of a competent timeshare attorney. For example, the attorneys of the Aaronson Law Firm are fully able to bring the appropriate level of legal pressure to your timeshare developer to help you divest yourself of your timeshare. They are also able and willing to bring litigation against your timeshare developer on your behalf if it should go that far.
Instead of keeping your timeshare, which may last forever and be transferred on to your heirs, the attorneys of the Aaronson Law Firm give you the best opportunity for cancelling your timeshare forever. Contact them now! It’s not too late…