Can a Timeshare Sales Presentation Be Completed Within the Allotted 90 Minutes?

djm99, Orlando Hotels and Attractions,, Apr 16, 2006: So you have managed to score some Disney World Park Hopper tickets, or perhaps a couple of crisp one hundred dollar bills, and all you have to do is to sit through a 90-minute timeshare sales presentation. But then you recall that you have heard a lot of problematic talk on the internet regarding this type of sales event and you wonder, can we actually get our promished gifts and still get out of the timeshare sales presentation within the allotted 90 minutes? And, more importantly, without buying the timeshare? Yes! Here are some tips that, while somewhat dated and/or humorous, should help you accomplish just that.
1. Do not eat an offered meal. They take time and presentations do not begin until after completion.
2. Hopefully, you will know what resort venue you are touring and receiving the timeshare sales presentation prior to attending. If so, then DO YOUR DUE DILIGENCE! Vet them thoroughly using the internet or whatever sources are available to you. Knowledge is power!
3. Don’t be afraid to be assertive after their 90-minutes are up. Stand your ground – be rude if necessary!
4. Let them know if this is not your first timeshare sales presentation. That way, they can cut all of the normal sales rhetoric that would accompany a full presentation.
5. Show them your list of complaints about the property they are trying to sell you. This should be part of your due diligence mentioned in Tip #2.
6. Let your face do your talking! That is, let them read the disdain upon your face for what they are trying to sell you. If you show any interest, the sharks will quickly gather.
7. Don’t let what you hear dissuade you from doing your due diligence. Assume that they all will be hard-sell presentations.
8. Plead financial distress to the point that you will not be able to make a down payment. Then absolutely resist the urge to accept their offer of a sponsored credit card for the down payment. They NEED some exchange of money to consummate the sale.
9. By all means, bring the children and keep them with you! Sales agents will try to have them “entertained’ elsewhere so that they do not cause a distraction to the transaction, but this is exactly why you want them with you. As they become grumpier and more assertive for your attentions, they can provide the perfect excuse to end the timeshare sales presentation at the advertised time.
10. After the timeshare sales presentation is completed and you find yourself dazed and unbelieving that you actually purchased the timeshare, make immediate plans to send in your rescission letter and follow through with the plan!
There are, of course, many other tactics that you can employ to ensure that your timeshare sales presentation will last for only the allotted 90-minute time period. It can be done and you could soon be enjoying your promised gifts.
If you find yourself the unwilling owner of a timeshare and desire to divest yourself of your timeshare albatross, consider retaining the services of a reputable timeshare cancellation lawyer. The attorneys of the Aaronson Law Firm stand ready and able to bring the appropriate amount of pressure to bear on your behalf to have your timeshare contract cancelled, and to bringing litigation where necessary. It’s not too late…