Timeshare Newsflash
Multiple Assurances Which Rapidly Turned Into Falsehoods
Deanna Keahey, Winning the Timeshare Game: Read about the Overtons and their experiences with Westgate Resorts which resulted in a $600,000 judgment against Westate. As happened with so many others, the Overtons were subjected to multiple assurances over the course of a long and arduous presentation which rapidly turned into falsehoods. Combined with the inability to use their timeshare as they were told they could, the Overtons took their case to an attorney who was able to successfully bring litigation against Westgate. The appeal was won as well. In the latest bid by Westgate for appeal, the Tennessee Supreme Court refused the request for appeal and, subsequently, the US Supreme Court refused to hear the case.This is why it is so important to take your timeshare cancellation case to a competent attorney regardless of the need for litigation. Let the attorneys of the Aaronson Law Firm help you legitimately and legally cancel your timeshare. It’s all that we do…